Saturn Transiting to Sagittarius

This is my personal analysis and hope you may like reading the faith based subject. Everyone of us are born with a specific zodiac sign in Vedic astrology. Each one of us are born with different ascendants and the question lies as to what will happen when there is a major change with the transit of Saturn Planet from Scorpio to Sagittarius and the ways it is going to affect all.

Capricorn Moon signs (As per Vedic Astrology ) have observed that these 2 and a half years have brought a sea change in your profession and life. You may have observed that your life is better now than what it was before two and a half years. That’s due to the transit of Saturn in your 11th sign from the moon. Now Saturn will be 12th from your moon so Capricorn moon signs natives will be under the influence of Sade Sati. Its Seven and a half year testing period for you and this is the time to face the results of your own karma. This will be a learning opportunity for you to see life from close. Its not a bad time but a time where one need to analysis situations and move ahead in life. Yes things for Capricorn moon signs will not be smooth after January 2017 but its time to move ahead with plans and patience for the next 2 and a half years.

Sagittarius moon sign (As per Vedic Astrology) natives need to take special care of their health and not to get depressed from the things which will be happening. Please remember that every cloud have a silver lining and the world will offer you better opportunities in future. Stay cool and have patience for the next 2 and a half years.

For the Aquarius moon signs (As per Vedic Astrology), it will be a great time for making the most out of life. It will be a great time to expand your horizons & visions. With more feathers added to your wings, you are going to get your desires fulfilled. Life is going to get you good surprises and plans for the next 2 and a half years. You may make maximum use of this good time.

For the Pisces moon sign (As per Vedic Astrology) natives, Saturn will be in your tenth from the moon. So, these will be a timing when you will be ambitious and will work hard towards your life’s goals. So, you may tend to become highly disciplined and more preserving in nature.

For Aries moon sign (As per Vedic Astrology) natives, Saturn moves to your 9th house and hence you may become more spiritual and you will be capable of good concentration and clear thinking. You will tend to become more philosophical and will take advise from father or fatherly figures.

For Taurus moon sign (As per Vedic Astrology), Saturn is moving to your 8th house. So, now you are free from the 7th dristi of Saturn and you may find things happening for good after January 2017. There will be memorable events happening for you. However, you need to take care of any diseases happening in the lower abdomen and the lower part of the body. You may look out for some properties which may suddenly come to you.

For Gemini moon sign (As per Vedic Astrology), you are in the direct dristi of Saturn. Mercury and Saturn are friends but you may have some challenging times ahead and hence have patience and take time while deciding any important decisions. Please do not be in a hurry and move ahead with confidence.

For Cancer moon sign (As per Vedic Astrology), these is going to be a good time for you after long. Your enemies will stop bothering you and doors of opportunities will open for you. Happy times ahead.

For Leo moon sign (As per Vedic Astrology) natives, these will be a time when you will be free from the dhaiya i.e Saturn’s 10th dristi and you will see lights ahead. You will be more creative professionally and change of job or promotions is on the cards.

For Virgo moon sign (As per Vedic Astrology) natives, you may face some problems after January 2017 and there may be some challenging times ahead but you may get maximum support from your family. Have patience and things will be good.

For Libra moon sign (As per Vedic Astrology) natives, the days of SadeSati are over and happy times are waiting for you. The hard days are over for now and you are free to move ahead with you plans. Life will provide you now with better opportunities.

For Scorpio moon sign (As per Vedic Astrology), your hard time is slowly ending. The enormous challenge will smoothen now, but you need to have patience with your plans, as you are still under the effect Sade sati.

The above are just some general predictions based on the movement of Planet Saturn to Sagittarius as per my personal analysis in Vedic Astrology. There are other 9 planets which are also moving or placed in different houses in your Vedic horoscope and each one will effect you differently. As per my previous article, Mahadashas will also matter in personal Vedic predictions based on personal analysis of horoscope. So, in short there are many parameters which actually determine ones destiny and the above astro reflections are my personal views and the same may or may not happen with you. As it is rightly said that your destiny is your hard work and luck which makes things possible.

Thanks for reading.

Mainak Majumdar

Astrologer & Numerologist



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